shouldcosting | Professionals in Data-Driven

We are Specialists in Generating perfect Corporate Data and the AI-powered, automated Usage of Data

As experts in automated data generation and automated data usage, we are firmly convinced, that the value of corporate data is massively underestimated and that many companies can substantially improve their competitiveness, if they make better use of their own corporate data. Data-Driven with shouldcosting - that's our passion.

shouldcosting Inc. | From high costs to right costs

We are specialists in the systematic generation of excellent corporate data and fully integrated data automation using Data-Mining, Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. "Data-Driven" is reality and enables automated cost management, fully automated category management and future-oriented Data-Driven Carbon Footprinting. We improve the competitiveness of our customers through solutions in “Generate data”, “Use data” and “Automate data”.


Hans-Peter Gysel and Jens Byland have many years of experience in the areas of PLM - Product Lifecycle Management, Cost Management, Analytics, Data-Driven Costing and Machine Learning. Both are mechanical engineers and former PLM consultants.

Our passion: Turning data into answers to our customers' business-relevant questions

We needed our time, before we recognized the value of the data that companies store on a daily basis. With the time, we were able to "think in data". That's a critical factor. Separating data from systems. To answer our customers' questions with data - that is our passion. Our software products "CostChecker", "PSI - predictive saving identifier", "3D CADminer", "2D CADminer", "CLASSifizer" and "DIC - data integrity checker" are proprietary developments. We do not only help our customers to develop a vision. We actively support our customers on the way, to achieving their goals. Why you make the right decision to work with us.

  • Intelligent solutions for identifying savings potentials in different industries
  • State-of-the-art solutions for fully automated and fully integrated cost management processes (Data Driven Costing)
  • Outstanding software products
  • The knowledge and experience of TOP-Experts in cost management and category management
  • Specialists in Data-Mining, Data Enrichment and Master Data Management
  • The integration of software into existing IT-Environments
  • A high degree of knowledge transfer, for the qualification of the employees of our customers.
  • The implementation of projects - up to the successful project completion
  • A quick ROI - Return on Investment
  • Huge Enthusiasm for the "Value of Company Data"

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