Products | CostChecker Calculate CO2 emissions

DATA-DRIVEN | Automated Calculation of Carbon Footprints

Since 2023, companies will have to report their CO2 emissions. With the CostChecker for CO2 calculation, not only the CO2 values of new products can be calculated at the push of a button. As the name suggests ... the CostChecker also shows the costs caused by CO2 emissions.

Calculate Carbon Footprint per Drag&Drop

The CostChecker can be used in a variety of ways. With the Module DCF - Data-Driven Product Carbon Footprint, the CostChecker is able to calculate the impact of CO2e emissions at the push of a button. The Name "CostChecker" obliges: The CostChecker directly calculates the costs, that result in the causation of CO2e.

Weisses Bild als Abstandshalter
CostChecker Userinterface mit integrierter CO2 Berechnung

The largest, dynamic CO2e Reference Database always at Hand

Our partnership with sustamize GmbH gives our customers access to the largest and most up-to-date CO2e Database on the market. The data is updated automatically by sustamize GmbH. This ensures, that the CostChecker performs accurate calculations at all times.

Using the PSI Software to calculate CO2e emissions in mass data

Efficient analysis methods are needed, to determine the CO2e emissions of products. But how can the CO2e values of hundreds, even thousands of existing items be calculated? The PSI - predictive saving identifier supports our customers in calculating CO2e values on mass data. With the DCF (Data-Driven Product Carbon Footprint) module, the CO2e emissions of thousands of items can be calculated at the push of a button.

Do you have questions about the CostChecker with integrated calculation of CO2 emissions?