Solution | ACM - adaptive category management
Rigid and inflexible category management is very disadvantageous in today's dynamic procurement markets. With ACM - Adaptive Category Management, items are automatically assigned to the right category. Automated category management which is dynamic - and adapts to the actual situation of the company.
Traditional category management is difficult to implement, cause today's markets and companies are highly dynamic. Whether E-CLASS, UNSPSC or own categories ... rigid structures are inflexible. Let's assume, that there is "perfect Order" in your ERP system. How long does it take, before this order turns into disorder, when hundreds of people manually assign items to categories? We know the answer. But category management is strategically important for companies! A dilemma. ACM - Adaptive Category Management is the solution.
Category Management is the basis for targeted measures in procurement. Commodities are characterized by the fact, that the requirements in the portfolios can be procured from similarly aligned suppliers. ACM - Adaptive Category Management fundamentally changes category management. With integrated Machine Learning, ACM - Adaptive Category Management offers highly interesting advantages:
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if items knew independently, to which category they belonged? If no rigid structures had to be filled, but the categories formed independently - depending on the "view" to the items. A procurement department (Market view) has different criteria for the grouping of items than a management. The product development, on the other Hand, looks at items from a technical point of view. But how do we move from traditional category management to adaptive and automated category management? We recommend a 4-phase model:
Of course, the characteristics of category management vary from company to company. Accordingly, a different processmodel must be selected. Automated category management is impressive in any case. Talk to us - we will kindly answer your questions.